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Zfort Group has rich experience in custom software development using Blockchain technology. One of the main technological solutions in the development of smart contracts is Hyperledger. We often use Hyperledge as it is a solid foundation for a decentralized approach with a good degree of security and low power consumption.
We develop all branches of Hyperledger, such as creating smart contracts and setting up infrastructure with node orchestration, as well as all internal technologies such as Hyperledger Iroha, Sawtooth, Indy, and Burrow.
With a convenient plug-and-play approach and open-source code, Hyperledger is the best choice for software development. All these things make it possible to organize a blockchain structure that can be added, customized, and set up the final product easily and quickly.
Hyperledger has a modular architecture that allows you to divide verification into stages, reduce the level of trust and simplify verification. All this allows you to increase overall performance and transactions' scalability. This means that client requests will be processed smoothly and quickly.
The openness of Hyperledger allows you to see the special information of all participants in the transaction. This reduces risk and provides a robust structure for enabling permission networks, i.e., each network member has a known identity, making it easy to trace.
- Modular architecture.
- Data rules compliance.
- Improving supply chain management.
- Streamlined transaction life cycle.
- Data availability on request.
- Immutable distributed ledger that supports rich queries.
Many successful projects of various types and complexity lie behind our backs. Starting with small quick solutions and dedicated programmers for temporary tasks, ending with complex multi-year enterprise projects.
Blockchain has taken pride in place in the list of our projects, and in the future, its share will only increase as it is one of the leading technologies today.
Technology does not stand still. Every day there is something new that allows you to perform tasks more efficiently and safely.
We are always learning new things and successfully applying what we have learned to our projects so that the products are better, as they are faster and cheaper to develop, and their subsequent support is easier.
As mentioned before, we are constantly improving, learning new technologies, and testing the knowledge gained by experience so that we can quickly weed out the unnecessary and leave the necessary.
That is how, based on our experience, we have nurtured a highly qualified team of blockchain developers."
Soft skills are the main skills of today's IT industry. Our PMs, Managers, and Team Leads are always in touch. You can always figure out what exactly the client wants and make a good and high-quality development.
Moreover, communication takes place throughout the development process. So during each sprint, not only the work performed is checked, but also changes and wishes of the client are made.
As we constantly improve our skills and work with a wide range of technologies, we have accumulated and continue to accumulate vast and invaluable experience in software development.
It is thanks to this that we will select the correct stack of technologies for your tasks and calculate the time how much development will take so that the budget will be spent wisely, without unnecessary and unnecessary digressions and subsequent reworking of what was not needed initially.
Here at Zfort Group, we select the best solutions and a team for specific projects. Let's talk!
Corda is ideal for developing financial applications. We will help you do your financial project using the Hyperledger blockchain.
Hyperledger Indy is a distributed ledger specifically built for decentralized identity. To create and use independent digital identities based on blockchains or other distributed ledgers, Hyperledger Indy provides tools, libraries, and reusable components.
Burrow is a fully-fledged smart contract framework that provides an ergonomic developer experience without needing docker or container orchestration in the first instance.
Since Hyperledger Fabric was designed to suit a variety of use cases, it fits most projects.
Iroha is easy to deploy and maintain and has a large set of code libraries to ensure smooth and clean application development. With control over user roles and permissions, management is simple, and identification is fast.
Hyperledger Sawtooth simplifies application development while keeping the entire system secure. Using this architecture, we can create applications in our chosen programming language.
Hyperledger is an open-source project created to support the development of blockchain-based distributed ledgers. Hyperledger consists of a collaborative effort to create the needed frameworks, standards, tools, and libraries to build blockchains and related applications.
Hyperledger is based on Linux and is a public product for everyone. Although IBM has invested heavily in it, it does not own it. By the way, Intel, Samsung, Microsoft, Visa, and American Express also invested in this project.
They have many differences and similarities, as both are blockchains. But in the end, it all comes down to the directions where they are best applied. So, the best application for Hyperledger is Private, or B2B Applications, and the best application for Ethereum is Public or B2C applications. Here is their main difference.
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