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What is GCP DevOps and How to Hire GCP DevOps Engineer?

What is GCP DevOps and How to Hire GCP DevOps Engineer?
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    DevOps is crashing barriers and bottlenecks in cross-department cooperation. Google Cloud Platform helps Google DevOps deploy, scale, and diagnose production issues in a simple web-based interface. Let's check how it works in detail.


    Need comprehensive and cost-effective DevOps services? Our DevOps experts will provide the solutions tailored to your needs.

    What is DevOps?

    Somewhere in a perfect world, Operations and Development teams are supposed to work as one from the outset. The reality is they don't. That's why DevOps is becoming an increasingly critical component for many businesses.

    When developers create a piece of software, they often have a specific workflow in mind. Within the notions that make sense to them, they can sometimes work in their own world. At the same time, for operations specialists, it may seem not very clear. To be on the same page, DevOps acts as a sort of liaison between the two sides. The whole process presupposes frequent, incremental improvements and deployment, along with the corresponding testing.

    DevOps should be proficient at using the Google Cloud Platform to construct, deploy, and monitor services, software delivery pipelines, as well as (just to avoid and-and) manage and determine incidents. 

    Google Cloud Platform is a collection of cloud computing services from Google. It runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, and YouTube. 

    Apart from management services, there are also several modular cloud services. GCP specializes in high computing offerings like Big Data, analytics, and machine learning. It also offers considerable scale and load balancing – Google knows data centers and fast response time.

    Google Cloud Platform Provides various environments such as IaaS, PaaS, and Serverless computing. Google GCP supports multiple tools that make the implementation of DevOps processes more efficient. Some projects can be hosted for free on Google Cloud. To find out more, you are welcome to check the comparison of GCP Free tier vs. physical and cloud servers for a startup.

    Google Cloud Platform capabilities for Google DevOps engineers enable them to make applications faster and more reliable. As for the rest of the leading cloud computing vendors, such as AWS and Amazon, each has particular strengths and weaknesses that make them the right choice for specific projects. Check out our Cloud comparison to determine the best for your company.

    What is GCP DevOps?

    DevOps is all about streamlining communication, accelerating development, spotting bugs, fixing those issues, and then iterating without delays.  A Google DevOps should have a clear understanding of the organizational goals. They can recommend and develop the best solutions. 

    Jason Martin, VP, Professional Services at Google Cloud, outlined:

    Google Cloud has seen tremendous growth as enterprises are accelerating cloud adoption to implement business-critical IT projects. As more enterprises increasingly turn to the cloud, the need for skill development is larger than ever before"


    So, GCP is similar to such large platforms as Azure and AWS but different from Google. It may be convenient to stay within the Google ecosystem and have everything in one account. With its many services and a high-security level, it guarantees a high-quality development environment for your applications. <

    GCP also pulls ahead in analytics and machine learning. Google's BigQuery and Dataflow offer powerful analytics and processing capabilities for businesses that operate vast amounts of data. Simultaneously, Google's Kubernetes container technology ensures effective container cluster management and simplifies container deployment.


    What are GCP DevOps services?

    There are some specific DevOps services that can be deployed in the Google Cloud Platform. Let's walk through them.

    Google App Engine

    This is a Platform as a Service and cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications.>

    This DevOps service supports Python, Java, Node.JS, .NET, Ruby, Go, or PHP. Beyond the language stack, GAE is flexible and completely manageable.

    With Google App Engine, you pay for what you use - it automatically scales depending on your application's traffic and consumed resources only during code execution.


    It is a cloud-based big data analytics web service, a scalable data warehouse for analytics. BigQuery is used for processing extensive read-only data sets.

    It can easily predict business outcomes with built-in machine learning, without the necessity to move data. BigQuery can also generate reports, securely and in just a couple of mouse clicks, right out of the box.


    BigTable is a scalable NoSQL database. Its key features include high throughput with low latency, no-downtime cluster resizing, and flexible automatic replication to optimize the workload.

    Google Cloud Datastore

    It is a document-oriented cloud database. Datastore handles sharding and replication automatically, giving you a highly available and reliable database that scales automatically to manage your application load. Datastore provides such capabilities as ACID transactions, queries like SQL, indexes, and more.

    Kubernetes Engine

    Kubernetes is used to organize workloads within your cluster better. It is a system for automatic deploying, scaling, and managing applications through a Kubernetes container. Its horizontal pod autoscaling is based on CPU utilization or custom metrics. Cluster autoscaling works on a per-node-pool basis, and vertical pod autoscaling continuously analyzes the CPU and pods' memory usage. Kubernetes dynamically adjusts their CPU and memory requests in response.

    How to Hire a GCP DevOps Engineer?

    There is nothing easy about finding a DevOps engineer when many other companies cast the net for the same experts. Companies looking to implement DevOps will likely find the process much more comfortable if they address the experts right away.

    Zfort Group DevOps team that has experience working with all popular cloud platforms. We can implement your application on the Google platform or any other. If needed, we also specialize in migration from one platform to another if you plan a move from AWS to GCP.


    Need comprehensive and cost-effective DevOps services? Our DevOps experts will provide the solutions tailored to your needs.

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