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Zfort Group Celebrates 18th Anniversary!

Zfort Group Celebrates 18th Anniversary!
Table of Contents

    Zfort Group turns 18 years this December and invites everyone to celebrate together!

    Happy Birthday to us!

    Pre-holiday season is not only about preparations for our employees. A special party also takes place during the month of December.

    This year we had a fantastic English Detective Party. Watch the video below to meet Mr. Bean, Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes, Irish Men, Three Men in Boat heroes and many more outstanding characters!


    Today, we pay tribute to our customers from the past and present, employees, and partners who help us maintain our innovative approach and inspire to move forward.

    Our sincere thanks and congratulations to all of you, who’ve been a part of our spirit and initiatives.

    We can’t predict the future, but we can make sure to keep to our core values to create and deliver professional service to all our customers and help them make a difference!

    And finally. Who would like some Birthday cake?


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    Anna Slipets

    Business Development Manger

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    Roman Korzh

    VP of Development

    Let's Talk