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What Will Happen in IT Industry in 2017

What Will Happen in IT Industry in 2017
Table of Contents
  • The Internet of Things (IoT)
  •  Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality
  • Wearable Technology
  • Chatbots
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big Data
  • Cyber Security



Technology is a non-stop cutting-edge industry that is constantly adapting to individuals and societies needs. Companies strive to propose innovations that can improve and simplify daily life on both personal and global level.

What can we expect from 2017? Here are some of the most trendy tech predictions.


1. The Internet of Things (IoT)

2. Artificial Intelligence

3. Virtual Reality

4. Wearable Technology

5. Chatbots

6. Cloud Computing

7. Big Data

8. Cyber Security



The Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) allows an access to data from various devices and not surprisingly this year promises to become a revolution in the interconnectedness of smart home technology. With the majority of people in the developed world routinely operating multiple devices, loT attempts to fill the void between data collection and enable communication between different sources.


 Artificial Intelligence


Remember the movie “Flipper” or more recently “Her”? If you are a fan of these futuristic movies, you already know what artificial intelligence means. People have been dreaming about this futuristic intelligence for a long time, and it looks like the time has finally come.  AI is going to change how people interact with technologies.

The main point is that AI gives technologies human-like abilities like talking, hearing, or learning. The biggest players in the IT world such as Google, Amazon, IBM, and Apple realize that AI is the future and focus on AI technologies, which is reflected already today in such products like Amazon Echo.

Check out the video from Davos 2017, where there is a discussion on ‘Artificial Intelligence':



Virtual Reality


Much like artificial intelligence, products and technology related to virtual reality have been long awaited.  After Oculus Rift was released with overwhelmingly positive feedback from its users, apps and games, such as Pokemon Go quickly followed, creating a sort of ‘renaissance' of virtual reality products.

Check out a short video on ‘Virtual Reality 2016-2017: This is just the beginning':



Wearable Technology


Apple is doing their best to make wearable technologies become a super-fast trend in the tech industry. iWatch products were released with high expectations but did not lead to a large ‘boom' in sales. Anyway, wearable technologies are on the way of becoming one of the fast-growing industries.




The arrival of messaging apps furthered the development of chatbots. Chatbot is a software program that conducts a communication with a user via textual methods. With a help of chatbots, you can carry out a number of different tasks, such as chatting with users, helping with purchases or pushing social media activities much like the famous app Crowdfire.


Cloud Computing


Businesses across the globe have started to use cloud computing for their IT activities. First, many companies are using a cloud to run the apps. According to EUKHost:

“At least 70% of all organizations are using a cloud run app (up from 51% in 2011) and for larger organizations, this figure is even higher (75%).”

Predictions show that this percentage of companies relying on cloud computing will only continue to increase over the next few years. Big data analytics is another important predicted trend in the IT world that influences not only how the cloud is used, but also addressing the growing demand and providing opportunities for innovation.

As the IT market grows, companies move to the cloud-based services because they are much cheaper and more convenient than keeping employees on staff for internal needs.


Big Data


Data science not only has faced a variety of changes over the last few years but also continues to be one of the most discussed topics in tech future. Fortunately, now we have more opportunities than ever before to gather big amounts of data, which consequently will help us to better understand and solve various problems of today. It's expected that in 2017 big data will continue to grow and develop, these advancements will help companies better utilize big data for consumer needs.


Cyber Security


The last and arguably the most important field where changes must occur is cyber security. Today we live in two worlds, with the second being played out inside of our computers. As our lives continue to advance and move even more online, the demands for cyber security and policing of the Internet continue to expand.

As cyber security adapts and develops to meet societies needs, its demand, function, and role will also be forced evolve to become more of a police like replacement.  Anti-piracy companies will help by blocking illegal content, and new technologies will protect our data and computers from attacks, and other kinds of damage.


Well, this year is going to be huge. Check out a video 'Technology Industry Outlook 2017' by Deloitte US:




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Anna Slipets

Business Development Manger

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Roman Korzh

VP of Development

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