News & Releases
- PHP 7.2.3
- PHP 7.1.15
- PHP 7.0.28
- PHP 5.6.34
- Zend Expressive 3 — PHP 7.1+, support for PSR-15, a lot of new components and other improvements.
- Php Inspections (EA Extended) v3.0.0 — Must-have extension for PhpStorm, which significantly complements the capabilities of static code analysis. In the new version, there's a pack of improvements and additional checks.
- Codeception 2.4
- nikic/PHP-Parser 4.0.0 — Updating the PHP parser in PHP. A lot of improvements, including the ability to save the formatting of pieces of code that have not been changed, which allows you to use the parser for automatic refactoring.
- Usage of content management systems for websites.
PHP Internals
- In the PHP 7.3 branch, a significant improvement of the garbage collector is done.
- [RFC] is_countable — This RFC proposes a new type function, that returns true if the given value is an array type or an instance of the Countable interface.
if (is_array($foo) || $foo instanceof Countable) {
// $foo is countable
if (is_countable($foo)) {
// $foo is countable
- — Excellent analogue of JSFiddle only for PHP.
- avantarm/memcached-emulator — The Memcached extension emulator works directly with the server via sockets. Replaces the original class \ Memcached and works for Windows.
- Brunty/cigar — A tool for quick smoke testing of web applications written in PHP.
- hamburgscleanest/guzzle-advanced-throttle — Extension for Guzzle, which allows you to limit requests to different rules.
- san-kumar/lambdaphp — Fast and dirty hosting of simple sites using AWS Lambda.
- — Library for implementing Event Sourcing in PHP applications.
- reisraff/phulp — The Gulp port in PHP.
- koriym/print_o — An object graph visualizer.
- hoaproject/Kitab — Kitab is the ideal companion for Documentation-Driven Quality: Render and Test your documentation.
- wapmorgan/SystemDaemon — Base for creating system daemons.
- wapmorgan/Threadable — Library for easy parallelization of work.
Learning Materials
- spatie/laravel-medialibrary 7.0-7.1.2 — Updating the popular library to bind files to models.
- Laravel is searching for a developer to fix the bugs in the framework and components, and work on new features.
- Eloquent Mutators and Accessors in Laravel
- Laravel interview questions and answers
- Zend Framework Community News for the week of 2018-03-01
- Zend Framework Community News for the week of 2018-03-16
- Need Async Expressive? Try Swoole! — wshafer/swoole-expressive
Async PHP
- clue/php-mq-react — The lightweight in-memory message queue. One more post here.
- friends-of-reactphp/mysql v0.3.0 — Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP.
- Working With FileSystem In ReactPHP
- Using Router With ReactPHP Http Component
- Fast Web Scraping With ReactPHP. Part 2: Throttling Requests