Table of Contents
News & Releases
- PHP-PM 1.0 — The first stable release of the PHP process manager. Allows you to demonize applications and increase productivity up to 15 times. Contains the long-awaited support for multipart and file downloads, Symfony 3+ support, PSR middleware, Docker images, and other improvements.
- Composer 1.6.0
- PHP 5.6.33
- PHP 7.0.27
- PHP 7.1.13
- PHP 7.2.1
- High resolution monotonic timer — A new hrtime () function will be added in PHP 7.3. It returns a high-precision time and is independent of the system time.
- paragonie/past — A secure stateless token is like JWT, but without its flaws.
- Codeception/Stub — A flexible wrapper over the moke builder from PHPUnit with a simple syntax.
- tideways/php-profiler-extension — The popular XHProf profiler is not supported and works poorly with PHP 7. However, an updated fork from Tideways is available.
- alek13/slack — A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with a focus on ease of use and elegant syntax.
- ackintosh/ganesha — Implementing the CircuitBreaker pattern in PHP.
- unreal4u/telegram-api — Complete async capable Telegram bot API implementation for PHP7.
- ankitpokhrel/tus-php — A pure PHP server and client for the resumable upload protocol v1.0.0.
- NikitchenkoSergey/idg — A wrapper over Imagick for generating simple images of documents (blocks, text columns, pictures).
- doctrine/coding-standard — Rules for PHP_CodeSniffer based on PSR-1/2 with additions.
- hutnikau/job-scheduler — An easy PHP job scheduler.
Learning Materials
- The end of the Symfony Standard Edition — It's suggested to use symfony/website-skeleton.
- The end of Silex — Symfony 4 is quite lightweight. It's suggested to use it instead of Silex.
- composer.json for Symfony Flex
- A week of Symfony #574 (25-31 December 2017)
- A week of Symfony #575 (1-7 January 2018)
- A week of Symfony #576 (8-14 January 2018)
Async PHP
- reactphp/http 0.8.1 — Minor update, which improves performance up to 50%.
- spatie/async — Wrapper around PCNTL extension for simple parallel tasks. One more post here.
- Improving Glide image server response by 6x with PHP-PM and zero code changes.
- Mutation Testing with Infection
- Optimizingcolinodell/json5 with Blackfire
- Composer Local Packages for Dummies
- Create and deploy secure PHARs. Using
- About DRY principle and why it's not what you think
- sergeyklay/php-orm-benchmark — The benchmark to compare the performance of PHP ORM solutions: CakePHP ORM, Doctrine ORM, Eloquent, PHP ActiveRecord, Phalcon, Propel ORM, Yii ActiveRecord, DMS.
- How to store 11kk items in memory? - Comparing methods: array vs object vs SplFixedArray vs pack vs swoole_table vs swoole_pack vs redis vs node.js arrays in php7.