Twice a month we publish our PHP digests so that you are up-to-date with the latest news, releases, tools, podcasts, videos, and other helpful materials for PHP ninjas. Go check what we've prepared for you this time!
News & Releases
- PHP 7.2.2
- PHP 7.1.14
- Laravel 5.6 — nunomaduro / collision was added as an error handler for console commands, as well as other improvements.
- Xdebug 2.6 — support for PHP 7.2 was added, support for PHP5 was suspended, + several new features.
- goaop/framework 2.2.0
- PHPUnit 7
- A Month of PHP FIG #2–4: November 2017 to January 2018
PHP Internals
- [RFC] Fiber — It is proposed to implement stackful-coroutines. These are closures, which can be paused and restarted. In this case, scheduling is performed on the user side, not the VM. This improvement will simplify the writing of asynchronous applications so they look like synchronous. The extension is already available. Check out the examples here.
- [RFC] Deprecation of fallback to root scope — Fallback to global scope allows namespaces to access in an unqualified manner symbols actually residing in the root namespace.
- [RFC] Deprecate backtick operator — It is suggested to deprecate the backtick operator ``.
- z7zmey/php-parser — The PHP parser written in Go.
- consistence/consistence — The library promises to fix the consistency errors in PHP. More details here.
- PHPJuice/slopeone — PHP implementation of the Weighted Slope One rating-based collaborative filtering scheme.
- calcinai/phpi — Event driven library for interfacing with Raspberry Pi GPIO in PHP.
- sroze/companienv — A useful companion for .env files.
- Arrexel/phpbash — A semi-interactive PHP shell compressed into a single file.
- pascaldevink/shortuuid — PHP 7.1+ library that generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs.
Learning Materials
- A week of symfony #579 (29 January - 4 February 2018)
- A week of symfony #579 (29 January - 4 February 2018)
- Pull Request #26059 · symfony/symfony — An interesting pull request, which promises to speed up the routing up to x77.7 times.
- Vintage-web-production/yii2-search — The component for searching in the Active Record models for Yii2 Framework.
- Style Guide and best practices for Laravel
- Video: PHP Antwerp - Laravel Design Patterns by Bobby Bouwmann
- tormjens/eventy — WordPress-like actions and filters for Laravel.
- nunomaduro/laravel-console-menu — Beautiful PHP CLI menus. Is a php-school/cli-menu wrapper for Laravel/Artisan Console Commands.
- GeneaLabs/laravel-model-caching — Eloquent model-caching made easy.
Async PHP
- Asynchronous PHP: Why?
- ReactPHP with RecoilPHP: An introduction, part 2, part 3. Using recoilphp / recoil allows writing asynchronous code based on coroutine.
- Testing Legacy PHP Scripts
- Reducing call sites with dependency injection and context passing
- Vim as a PHP IDE - the complete guide
- Standards.REST — A collection of standards and specifications, that help make fantastic HTTP/REST APIs.
Audio & Video
- Podcast, Episode 45: The One Where We Talk about PSR-15 Again
- Three Devs and a Maybe: Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption with Scott Arciszewski
- Enrico Zimuel: Encryption, authentication and data integrity in PHP 7
- You are not your Framework
- Arionum — Cryptocurrency, implemented in PHP.