Make sure to check the most recent selection of the frontend industry news and updates! Let's explore the differences between the PWA loyalty program and a mobile app, insight on the design principles for developers, a guide on setting up a Vue development environment and a lot more!
- Let Mavo Shine in Building Interactive Web Applications
- A Simple Introduction to Web Workers in JavaScript
- Creating Interactive, Highly Optimized Emails with Google’s AMP Framework
- Why is modern web development so complicated? A long yet hasty explanation: Part 1!
- Which Is Best: A Loyalty Program PWA Or Mobile App?
- A Contact Picker for the Web
- Now Live: Your SmashingConf Toronto Playlist
- Largest Contentful Paint. Making it easier to know when a page's important content has loaded.
- Time to First Byte: What It Is and Why It Matters
- Native lazy-loading for the web
- Native Lazy-Loading Launched on Chrome 76!
- Establish network connections early to improve perceived page speed
- 💻The guide to Visual Studio Code shortcuts, higher productivity and 30 of my favourite shortcuts you need to learn
- SVG Gobbler - a simple browser extension that finds SVG content in your current window, highlights unique attributes including size and lets you download or copy to clipboard
- Writing Modes And CSS Layout
- Learning CSS by reading specs
- Client-side JS Redirects: Can Googlebot Detect Them? #AskGoogleWebmasters
- Handling Unused CSS In SASS To Improve Performance
- CSS :empty Selector
- Weekly Platform News: CSS font-style: oblique, webhin browser extension, CSS Modules V1
- Design Principles for Developers: Processes and CSS Tips for Better Web Design
- Moving Text on a Curved Path
- 5 Super CSS Grid Generators for Your Layouts
- Sub-pixel rendering and borders
- How to Drag & Drop HTML Elements and Files using Javascript
- Building My First Svelte App: Thoughts and Impressions
- Working With ECMAScript 2019 Asynchronous Iteration Using “for-of”
- Intl.NumberFormat
- Interesting use cases for JavaScript bitwise operators
- JavaScript Promise combinators: .all(), .race(), .allSettled()
Libs & Plugins:
- sharec - a new minimalistic tool for boilerplating and configuration versioning, which can copy, merge and delete files.
- Frosted Panel is a cross-browser compatible library written in pure Javascript to achieve a responsive "Frosted Glass" effect.
- murphyjs: a simple way to implement scroll based reveal animations in your components.