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English as Mass Progress

English as Mass Progress
Table of Contents


    Zfort Group becomes the hosting partner for a new educational project. This time, we partnered with GoGlobal and Business English Academy. The very first event was pretty successful.

    On Saturday 26th of March, the conference room was full. About a hundred of participants came to listen to "English as Mass Progress".

    The first speaker was Ekaterina Metolidi, director of Business English Academy. She spoke about the current state of business English in Ukraine, opportunities for fluent speakers and shared top online courses from American universities.

    The next was Tatiana Tumar, head of Zfort's Training Center. Her report was about Ukrainian software development market. She described the process of becoming a developer in Ukraine and a variety of opportunities.

    The last speaker was a business English teacher Thomas George. His speech was about common mistakes of rookies. He also gave a couple of tricks on how to stay unworried when speaking English.

    We've got a good feedback from participants and are already planning the next event.

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    Anna Slipets

    Business Development Manger

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    Roman Korzh

    VP of Development

    Let's Talk